Wednesday, 2 March 2011

The Talk of the Town

We have been featured in Fitzrovia News this month by the lovely Sally Beerworth. Glad you enjoyed the popcorn and packaging Sally- we will send you some more.

And if there are flavours you want us try then get in touch.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Secret Cinema- photos and video

We have completed our first Secret Cinema event and are happy to say it went swimmingly. The event was a huge success, with over 160,000 people attending over 18 days. There was dancing, performance, art, and of course popcorn. Have a look at the video above for a flavour of the event, and have a look at the photo section for some great photos from us and the fantastic Cara Dowd.

Catch us at the next Secret Cinema event but until the get in touch with us on the Facebook page to tell us if you tried our popcorn or have any suggestions.